
Spraying is a common practice in the horticulture industry that involves the application of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fertilisers, to crops and plants using specialized. The purpose of spraying is to control or manage pests, diseases, weeds, and other plant-related problems, as well as to promote plant growth and development.
Sprayers are an essential tool for plant protection and crop management, and it helps to ensure high yields and quality produce.
There are different types of sprayers used in horticulture, including handheld, backpack, tow-behind, deck mount, and air-blast sprayers to name a few. Take a look at the range of BA sprayers available below for the application you require.

Large Scale Hand Gun Work
For control of brush weeds and heavy thistle burden. ATV, ute and tractor versions available.
Spot Spraying
Spot spraying refers to the targeted application of pesticides, herbicides, or fertilisers to specific areas within a larger field or pasture. This method is typically used to control weeds, pests, or diseases that are localised in a specific area, rather than applying chemicals to the entire field or pasture.
Control pests and diseases, promote growth, and improve the overall health and appearance of your plants using a hand-held or backpack sprayer, or through the use of larger mechanical sprayers, such as those mounted on ATVs or tractors.