
Spraying with BA since 2010

28 September 2023
Jeremy Walsh Over Row Under Vine Trailed Sprayer
Jeremy Walsh Viticulture Management was established in 2007 as an expansion of Jeremy’s existing operation managing the family vineyard based on Dog Point Road, Marlborough.

Jeremy is a third-generation grape grower raised on the family’s Marlborough vineyard, which he has been running since 2005.

Over the years, the business has expanded, and Jeremy now works with a broad range of customers offering services including full-scale vineyard management, vineyard development, vineyard contracting, harvesting and technical support, and custom-build services through his business – Jeremy Walsh Viticulture Management.

Jeremy works closely with clients to understand their needs, customise their management plans and help them get the most out of their vineyard.

To provide top quality vineyard management Jeremy needs the absolute best equipment for weed spraying.

In 2010 Jeremy bought his first BA 1150L under vine herbicide trailed sprayer from BA Marlborough (formerly known as Harpers Machinery). Jeremy said: “The main draw to the BA sprayer was the ability to customise it to suit our requirements. We work in a tough environment and so our equipment needs to be built to last and withstand the harsh environment it’s operating in. We have definitely put our BA sprayer through its paces and with regular maintenance it’s stood the test of time and we’re still using it now.”

Jeremy was so pleased with the quality of his BA sprayer that he ordered a 2000L over-row under-vine sprayer. “The bigger tank allowed us to be more efficient, covering more ground in less time. We have now ordered another which will improve our efficiency again. We will run both 2000L sprayers in tandem to get the job done even quicker than before ensuring that we don’t miss the spraying window.”

As part of the business, Jeremy works on redeveloping and developing vineyards. When carrying out this work the whole area requires full spray coverage, so Jeremy invested in a BA LS 1300L broadacre linkage sprayer with a 12M hydraulic boom.

Jeremy said: “The boom structure was what caught my eye on this sprayer because of its durability. The hydraulics was also a big draw card as it means the operator can control the boom from inside the cab, which saves time but also keeps them safe by not having to get out and fold the boom manually.”  

When asked if he would recommend BA, Jeremy said: “Yes. BA Marlborough was able to work with their research and development department and manufacturing team in Hautapu, Cambridge to produce sprayers that were fit for our requirements. The fact we are still using our first sprayer after all these years is a testament to the quality of workmanship that BA can offer.”

Jeremy Walsh LS1300 spraying in a paddock